Still some folks like to have their names up in lights on glory row. So we have the list of who got what in judging at the AC beer fest last weekend. The category headings in bold are ours; contest ones are in parentheses. And, just in case, the Belgian one, well that's our joking referenece to Brussels, not editorial comment on beer flavor. (It just kills a one-liner when you have to explain it ...)
Oh, and if we may, how about a congratulatory round of applause to River Horse, the Tun Tavern and Flying Fish.
However, we take exception to that show finish for FF's IPA and think it was miscategorized. (We also think Sly Fox's Phoenix Pale Ale was miscategorized.)
FF makes one of the most drinkable IPAs around. Emphasis on drinkable. Some of the IPAs these days are about as enjoyable as lighting matches and putting them out on your tongue. (Though we like and drink a number of the imperial beers out there, we're just getting wary and weary of them.)
Anyway ... what Mellencamp said ... no big deal. But like Buffalo Springfield said, for what it's worth ... Here's the list:
Bringing in the sheaves
- Blanche de Bruxelles
- Black Dog Crystal Weiss
- Baltika #8
Gossamer beer
(Light lager)
- Obolon Lager
- River Horse PennBrook
- Baltika #7
Brownie you're doing a heck of a job
(Brown ale)
- Ipswich Dark Ale
- Abita Turbo Dog
- Tun Tavern Brown
Not dark yet
(Pale Ale)
- Lancaster Hop Hog
- Boulder Mojo
- Flying Fish Hopfish India Pale Ale
Isn't that special?
(Specialty beer)
- Lancaster Strawberry Wheat
- Tun Tavern Gruit
- Black Dog Honey Raspberry Ale
Amber alert
(Amber ale)
- Boulder Hazed & Infused
- Red Seal Ale
- Sly Fox Phoenix Pale Ale
Amber alert, reprise
(Amber/dark lager)
- Baltika #4
- Samuel Adams Black Lager
- Lancaster Milk Stout
- Young's Double Chocolate Stout
- North Coast Old Rasputin
(Belgian style ale)
- Allagash Tripel
- Allagash Dubbel
- Flying Fish Abbey Dubbel
(Strong beer)
- Malheur 12
- North Coast Brother Thelonious
- Saranac Imperial Stout
(People's choice)
- Long Trail Blackbeary Wheat